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February 2016

Community Performers Wanted

The 1st July 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme.  On this one day alone in 1916 the British casualties totalled nearly 58,000 troops, with over 19,000 killed.

As part of the First World War Centenary commemoration, and the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site’s Tinth anniversary programme, a remarkable event will take place near the cliff tops at Levant Mine in Cornwall.  Produced by Collective Arts Ltd, a theatre company that specialises in large scale community productions, The Trench is a cultural event that explores the contribution made by Cornish miners serving on the Front Line during the First World War. 

The production is in partnership with Levant Mine and the National Trust, Cornish Mining World Heritage Site, Miracle Theatre, Tremough University and local schools in Penwith.  Research is well underway and locals in Penwith, the St Just and Pendeen Old Cornwall Society, along with students from Tremough are helping uncover information relevant to the production.

The company are looking for physically fit individuals to rehearse as community performers for the event.  Their task will be to guide the participants throughout the performance.  Rehearsals will take place in St Just-in-Penwith and begin in May 2016. 

Please contact Jason Squibb through for further details.

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